(1) In addition to any other penalty otherwise provided by law, any person violating any provision of this part 1 or intentionally making any false statement or report to the department or to any agency delegated by the department to make an investigation or inspection under the provisions of this part 1 may be assessed a civil penalty of not more than one hundred dollars a day to a maximum of ten thousand dollars.
(2) The amount of the civil penalties to be assessed pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall be set in rules and regulations promulgated by the department.
(3) Each day in which a person is in violation of any provision of this part 1 may constitute a separate offense.
(4) The department may assess a civil penalty in conformity with the provisions and procedures specified in article 4 of title 24, C.R.S.; except that all hearings conducted pursuant to this section shall be before an administrative law judge of the department, who shall render his or her recommendation to the executive director of the department who shall render the final decision of the department.
(5) The fines collected pursuant to this section, section 26-6-108 (2) and (2.7), and section 26-6-108.5 (1)(c) shall be transmitted to the state treasurer, who shall credit the same to the child care cash fund, which fund is hereby created in the state treasury. All interest derived from the deposit and investment of moneys in the fund shall be credited to the fund. At the end of any fiscal year, all unexpended and unencumbered moneys in the fund shall remain therein and shall not be credited or transferred to the general fund or any other fund. Moneys in the child care cash fund are hereby continuously appropriated to the department to fund activities related to the improvement of the quality of child care in the state of Colorado.