(1) The general assembly finds that there is a shortage of persons in the state who are licensed as principals and are available for employment by school districts. The general assembly further finds that persons who have achieved success in careers outside of education and who are interested in employment as school principals may provide a new source of leadership talent for school districts as they seek to hire school principals. Therefore, the general assembly concludes that it is in the interest of the state to authorize school districts to design and implement individualized alternative principal programs to enable persons from outside the education community to develop the skills and experiences necessary to successfully lead a public school and to qualify ultimately for licensure as principals.
(2) A school district or charter school may employ as a principal or a vice-principal a person who holds a principal authorization issued pursuant to section 22-60.5-111 (14). A person who is employed by a school district under a principal authorization may perform the duties of a principal or a vice-principal in a school so long as the person is under the supervision of a professional principal licensee. The school district, charter school, or the institute shall collaborate with the person in designing an individualized alternative principal program, which the person shall complete while employed under the authorization. The school district, charter school, or the institute may work with a governmental, nonprofit, or for-profit entity in designing and implementing the individualized alternative principal program. The individualized alternative principal program is subject to approval by the state board of education as provided in section 22-60.5-111 (14) and in accordance with rules adopted by the state board of education.
(3) In designing an individualized alternative principal program, the school district or charter school shall, at a minimum, ensure that:
(a) The program will provide the information, experience, and training to enable the person who is employed under the principal authorization to develop the skills and obtain the experience and training that are comparable to those possessed by a person who qualifies for an initial principal license, as provided in section 22-60.5-301 (1)(a);
(b) The person who is employed under the principal authorization is required to successfully demonstrate professional competencies in subject matter areas, as specified by rule of the state board pursuant to section 22-60.5-303;
(c) A person who is employed under the principal authorization is mentored and coached continuously by one or more principals and administrators;
(d) The person who is employed under the principal authorization is assessed at the beginning of the individualized alternative principal program to determine his or her strengths and weaknesses and that the program is designed to fit the person's individual education and training needs; and
(e) The individualized alternative principal program complements the school improvement plan, if one exists, of the school in which the person who holds a principal authorization would be employed.
(4) In designing an individualized alternative principal program, the school district, charter school, or the institute shall assess the needs of the school to which the person employed under the principal authorization would be assigned and ensure that the person receives training that will equip the person to meet the specific needs of the school and the community in which it is located.
(5) A school district may employ a person who holds a principal authorization for three years. After that time, the school district may employ the person as a principal only if he or she receives an initial or professional principal license pursuant to section 22-60.5-301. The school district may choose to provide an induction program, as described in section 22-60.5-304, for the person while he or she is employed under a principal authorization. The induction program, if provided, shall be in addition to the individualized alternative principal program to be completed by the person while he or she is employed under a principal authorization.