(1) The quantity and characteristics of air contaminants and the duration of their presence in the atmosphere that may cause air pollution in a particular area of the state;
(2) Existing physical conditions and topography;
(3) Prevailing wind directions and velocities;
(4) Temperatures and temperature-inversion periods, humidity, and other atmospheric conditions;
(5) Possible chemical reactions between air contaminants or between such air contaminants and air gases, moisture, or sunlight;
(6) The predominant character of development of the area of the state such as residential, highly developed industrial, commercial, or other characteristics;
(7) Availability of air-cleaning devices;
(8) Economic feasibility of air-cleaning devices;
(9) Effect on normal human health of particular air contaminants;
(10) Effect on efficiency of industrial operation resulting from use of air-cleaning devices;
(11) The extent of danger to property in the area reasonably to be expected from any particular air contaminant;
(12) Interference with reasonable enjoyment of life by persons in the area and conduct of established enterprises that can reasonably be expected from air contaminants;
(13) The volume of air contaminants emitted from a particular class of air contamination sources;
(14) The economic and industrial development of the state and the social and economic value of the air contamination sources;
(15) The maintenance of public enjoyment of the state's natural resources; and
(16) Other factors that the department or the commission may find applicable.