(a) An individual who receives a loan under this subchapter shall immediately begin repayment of each loan the individual received, together with interest as determined by the Department of Higher Education, if the individual:
(1) Ceases to be enrolled in good standing at an institution of higher education in this state, unless the individual has graduated and received a degree;
(2) Does not obtain licensure as a teacher from the State Board of Education within one (1) year of graduating and receiving a degree;
(3) Does not begin work as a licensed teacher in the academic year immediately following becoming licensed;
(4) Does not teach in a school or school district located in a geographic area identified by the Department of Education under § 6-15-403 [repealed] as a critical teacher shortage area in the individual's first year as a licensed teacher; or
(A) Does not teach in a school or school district located in a geographic area identified by the Department of Education under § 6-15-403 [repealed] as a critical teacher shortage area for five (5) consecutive years beginning immediately upon obtaining licensure.
(B) The total amount of the loans awarded to an individual that are subject to repayment under subdivision (a)(5)(A) of this section shall be reduced on a pro rata basis as required under § 6-81-1704(b).
(1) The Department of Higher Education may defer the requirements under subdivisions (a)(3)-(5) of this section if the Department of Higher Education, in consultation with the Department of Education, determines that there was no employment position available that would reasonably enable the individual to meet the requirements.
(2) After the period of deferral, the individual shall begin or resume teaching in a school or school district located in a geographic area identified by the Department of Education under § 6-15-403 [repealed] as a critical teacher shortage area or become subject to repayment under subsection (a) of this section.