(a) Prior to a child's admission to an Arkansas public school, a school district shall request the parent, guardian, or other responsible person to furnish the child's Social Security number and shall inform the parent, guardian, or other responsible person that, in the alternative, they may request that the school district assign the child a nine-digit number designated by the Department of Education.
(b) Prior to a child's admission to an Arkansas public school, the parent, guardian, or responsible person shall provide the school district with one (1) of the following documents indicating the child's age:
(1) A birth certificate;
(2) A statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the child's date of birth;
(3) An attested baptismal certificate;
(4) A passport;
(5) An affidavit of the date and place of birth by the child's parent or guardian;
(6) Previous school records; or
(7) A United States military identification.
(c) Prior to a child's admission to an Arkansas public school, the parent, guardian, or other responsible person shall indicate on school registration forms whether the child has been expelled from school in any other school district or is a party to an expulsion proceeding.
(d) (1) Beginning with the 2005-2006 school year, no school or school district shall:
(A) Use, display, release, or print a student's Social Security number or any part of the number on any report, identification card, identification badge, or any document that will be made available or released to the public, to a student, or to a student's parent or guardian without the express written consent of the student's parent if the student is a minor or of the student if the student is eighteen (18) years of age or older; or
(B) Make a student's Social Security number available by reading the magnetic strip or other encoded information on the student's identification card.
(2) This section shall not apply to educational records that are transferred to or between the department, other public schools or school districts, or other governmental agencies as allowed or required by federal law, state law, or State Board of Education rule.