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U.S. State Codes
Title 17 - Professions, Occ...
Subtitle 1 - Professions Ge...
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
§ 17-1-101. Examination credit for United States veterans and nurses
§ 17-1-102. Liability of committee members of professional societies, review organizations, and hospital medical staffs
§ 17-1-103. Registration, certification, and licensing for criminal offenders
§ 17-1-104. Collection of personal information for the purpose of child support enforcement
§ 17-1-105. Notification of mandatory reporters
§ 17-1-106. Licensure, certification, or permitting of active duty service members, returning military veterans, and spouses -- Definition
§ 17-1-107. Reinstatement of licenses -- Definition