(1) It is not the intent of the General Assembly to cause the licensing entity to engage in simple comparisons of the required hours of training and other personal qualifications under Arkansas's occupational licensing statutes with those qualifications required in the state where the person is credentialed.
(2) It is the intent of the General Assembly to ensure that a person may be credentialed to work in Arkansas if he or she generally demonstrates the skills and ethics required by state law based on the person's experience and credentials in another state.
(b) A licensing entity shall by rule adopt reduced requirements for reinstatement of a license, registration, or certification for a person who:
(1) Demonstrates that he or she:
(A) Was previously licensed, registered, or certified to practice in the field of his or her profession at any time in this state;
(B) Held his or her license in good standing at the time of licensing;
(C) Did not have his or her license revoked for:
(i) An act of bad faith; or
(ii) A violation of law, rule, or ethics;
(D) Is not holding a suspended or probationary license in any state; and
(E) Is sufficiently competent in his or her field; and
(2) Pays any reinstatement fee required by law.
(c) The licensing entity may require that sufficient competency in a particular field be demonstrated by:
(1) Proficiency testing;
(2) Letters of recommendation; or
(3) Both proficiency testing and letters of recommendation.
(1) Except as provided under subsection (c) of this section, the licensing entity shall not require a person who meets the requirements of subsection (a) of this section to participate in the apprenticeship, education, or training required as a prerequisite to licensing, registration, or certification of a new professional in the field.
(2) The licensing entity may require the person to participate in continuing education or training if the continuing education or training is required for all professionals in the field to maintain the license, registration, or certification.
(e) A person shall not be required to comply with requirements under this section to obtain reinstatement of his or her license, registration, or certification if the person meets the requirements for reciprocity.
(f) If a criminal background check is required of a person currently holding a license, registration, or certification, then the licensing entity may require a person seeking reinstatement under this section to meet the same criminal background check requirements as the person currently holding a license, registration, or certification.
(g) As used in this section "licensing entity" means an agency, board, commission, department, committee, or other authority of the government of the State of Arkansas, whether within or subject to review by another agency, except the General Assembly, the courts, and the Governor, that has the duty to license, register, certify, or otherwise approve a person to work in a particular field or industry.