(a) It shall be the duty of the owner of any well drilled for gas or oil to keep a careful and accurate log of the drilling of the well.
(b) The log shall show:
(1) The character and depth of the formation passed through or encountered in the drilling of the well; and
(2) The location and depth of the water-bearing strata, together with the character of the water encountered from time to time; and
(3) At what point the water was shut off, if at all, and if not, so state in the log; and
(4) The depth at which oil-bearing or gas-bearing strata is encountered; and
(5) The character of the oil-bearing or gas-bearing strata; and
(6) Whether all water overflowing or underlying the oil-bearing or gas-bearing strata was successfully and permanently shut off, so as to prevent the percolation or penetration into the oil-bearing or gas-bearing strata.
(c) The log shall:
(1) Be verified by the person in charge of the drilling;
(2) Be attested as correct by the owners of the well;
(3) Be filed with the county clerk of the county in which the well is located, and preserved by him or her in the public records; and
(4) Definitely describe the location of the well.