(A) Share with the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management on a quarterly basis an integrated list of all licensed child care facilities and all known license-exempt child care facilities, including without limitation physical addresses, maximum capacity, emergency contact information, and hours of operation.
(B) The integrated list is to be sorted by county;
(2) Include early childhood emergency preparedness courses and workshops that address specific risk factors and evacuation procedures in particular geographic areas among approved courses and workshops for meeting requirements for in-service training for licensed child care providers in those geographic areas;
(3) Incorporate specific indicators of emergency preparedness linked to specific disaster risk factors in licensed child care providers' geographic areas into each level of any quality ratings above minimum licensing standards; and
(A) Require a child care facility to have a written plan for evacuation in the event of fire, natural disaster, or other threatening situation that may pose a health or safety hazard to the children in the child care facility.
(B) Require the plan to include without limitation:
(i) A designated relocation site and evacuation route;
(ii) Procedures for notifying parents of the relocation and ensuring family reunification;
(iii) Procedures to address the needs of individual children, including children with special needs;
(iv) Instructions relating to the training of staff or the reassignment of staff duties, as appropriate;
(v) Coordination with local emergency management officials; and
(vi) A program to ensure that appropriate staff are familiar with the plan's components.