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U.S. State Codes
Title 46. Water, Air, Energ...
Chapter 03. Environmental C...
Article 7. Commercial Passenger Vessel Environm...
Article 7. Commercial Passenger Vessel Environmental Compliance Program.
Sec. 46.03.460. Program established.
Sec. 46.03.461. Registration requirements.
Sec. 46.03.462. Terms and conditions of discharge permits.
Sec. 46.03.463. Prohibited discharges; limitations on discharges.
Sec. 46.03.465. Information-gathering requirements; exemption.
Sec. 46.03.470. Record keeping requirements.
Sec. 46.03.475. Reporting requirements.
Sec. 46.03.476. Ocean rangers.
Sec. 46.03.480. Fees.
Sec. 46.03.481. Citizens' suits.
Sec. 46.03.482. Commercial passenger vessel environmental compliance fund.
Sec. 46.03.485. Recognition program.
Sec. 46.03.487. Exemption for vessels in innocent passage.
Sec. 46.03.488. Activities of the department.
Sec. 46.03.490. Definitions.