(a) The Director of the Department of Economic and Community Affairs shall be responsible for the distribution, transfer, or disposal of all surplus personal property owned by the state and all right, title, interest, and equity in the property shall be transferred to the department for such purpose. The director may delegate to the Director of the Surplus Property Division such supervision and control of the distribution or disposal of state owned surplus personal property.
(b) As used in this article, the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) DIVISION. Surplus Property Division of the Department of Economic and Community Affairs.
(2) SURPLUS PROPERTY. That property declared by the property manager of each state department, bureau, board, commission, or agency to be surplus and so designated in writing to the director of the division. All real property owned by any state department, bureau, board, commission, agency, or institution, and any subdivision thereof; including, but not limited to, real property owned by any state college, university, two-year college, technical school, or other postsecondary institution of higher learning shall be handled in the manner provided in Section 41-4-33, or such other provisions of law as may be appropriate but in no circumstance shall any law regarding real property acquired, owned, or disposed of by the state or any subdivision thereof be amended, substituted, or in other manner altered by this article.
(3) ELIGIBLE ENTITY. Any public agency or nonprofit educational or public health institution or organization that is eligible to participate as a recipient of surplus property pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, and that is not found to be in violation of division rules and regulations during the 12 months immediately preceding the intended purchase.
(4) PROPERTY MANAGER. That officer or employee who shall be designated by the head of each department, board, bureau, commission, institution, corporation, or agency of the state, in writing, to the division and the State Auditor's office, to be the property manager.
(5) PUBLISH. Print or electronic distribution of information.
(c) The property manager shall report to the Surplus Property Division of the Department of Economic and Community Affairs any personal property declared surplus by his or her department, board, bureau, commission, institution, corporation, or agency and deliver the property to any place designated by the division to be the proper place for such delivery.
(d) The director or his or her designee shall be authorized to promulgate such administrative rules and regulations as deemed necessary including, but not limited to:
(1) Promotion of surplus property.
(2) Shipment of surplus property.
(3) Storage of surplus property.
(4) Length of retention of surplus property.
(5) Public auction of surplus property.
(6) Such other rules and regulations as, from time to time, may be determined to be necessary.
(e) The division shall have authority to sell surplus property at fair market value, as established by the division and set out in its published rules, to eligible entities as defined in subsection (b)(3). Payment for purchases by any of the eligible entities shall be made within 30 days after such purchase. Payment plans may be established at the discretion of the division director or his or her designee within guidelines approved by the Director of ADECA. If payment is not made within 60 days after a purchase, in cases where a payment plan has not been established, then such purchase shall be declared void and in default, and the property shall be returned immediately by the defaulting purchaser to the division.
(f) Any eligible entity authorized to purchase federal surplus property shall be authorized to purchase state surplus property under this section provided the corporation complies with all federal laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding the purchase of surplus federal property.