(a) The board shall issue a license certificate to each person whom it licenses as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist, or both. The certificate shall show the full name of the licensee and shall bear a serial number. The certificate shall be signed by the chair and secretary of the board under the seal of the board.
(b) The board shall adopt a program of continuing education not later than October 1, 1991, and, after that date, proof of compliance with the minimum requirements of the continuing education program shall be required as a condition of license renewal.
(c) Licenses shall expire on December 31 following their issuance or renewal and are invalid thereafter unless renewed. The board shall notify every person licensed under this chapter of the date of expiration and the amount of the renewal fee. This notice shall be mailed to his or her last known address at least one month before the expiration of the license. Every person licensed under this chapter shall, on or before January 1 of each year, pay a fee for renewal of license to the board. The board may, in the event payment exceeds a period of grace of 30 days, renew a license upon payment of the renewal fee plus a late renewal payment penalty. Failure on the part of any licensed person to pay his or her renewal fee before January 1 does not deprive him or her of his or her right to renew his or her license, but the fee to be paid for renewal after January 31 shall be increased by twenty dollars ($20) for each month or fraction thereof that the payment is delayed, up to a maximum of twice the current renewal fee.
(d) A person who fails to renew his or her license within a period of two years after the date of expiration may not renew the license, and the license may not be restored, reissued, or reinstated thereafter, but the person may apply for and obtain a new license if he or she meets the requirements of this chapter.
(e) A licensee who wishes to place his or her license on an inactive status may do so by application to the board and by payment of a fee of one half of the renewal fee. An inactive licensee shall not accrue any penalty for late payment of the renewal fee that reactivates his or her license. The license may be held inactive for a maximum period of two years.