(a) Any active member of the Alabama National Guard shall be entitled to the tuition benefits provided by this article upon his or her enrollment in a degree or certificate program in any community or technical college that is under the authority of the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees, or enrollment in pursuit of his or her first undergraduate degree in any public baccalaureate-awarding college or university within the state. Certification and eligibility for the tuition benefits provided by this article shall be determined by the State Education Services Office of the Alabama National Guard which shall promulgate and implement administrative rules and procedures that it deems necessary to carry out and monitor the tuition benefits provided by this article.
(b) Any active member of the Alabama National Guard who enrolls utilizing the tuition benefits provided by this article shall complete the requirements for an undergraduate degree no later than 10 years from the date of initial enrollment or the active member shall be responsible for all costs of any further studies required to attain his or her degree. An active member must currently have and maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average, or the letter grade equivalent thereof or better at the end of each term. Failure to do so shall result in the termination of the tuition benefits provided by this article. If a student withdraws, declares academic bankruptcy, or is granted a grade waiver through a forgiveness program, he or she is responsible for paying back that portion of tuition and fees the state paid on his or her behalf.
(c) Each educational institution that enrolls an active member of the Alabama National Guard who is eligible for the tuition benefits provided by this article shall take necessary action to insure that the active member is aware of all benefits that he or she may be entitled to under the Montgomery G.I. Bill, any other federal and state VA educational benefits, any student grant or scholarship, the Active Duty Tuition Assistance Program, and the Alabama National Guard Education Assistance Program. In order to receive the tuition benefits provided by this article, the active member of the Alabama National Guard shall take the necessary steps to utilize all of the above benefits.