(a) The judge of probate of each county may be entitled to receive from the county treasury payment for expenses, including, but not limited to, membership dues and other expenses, incurred in attending state or national conferences, schools and other functions attended by said judge, including, but not limited to, the personnel in his or her office, pertaining to his or her official position of judge of probate, which payment shall be in addition to all other compensation and allowances now provided by law. Such payments shall be paid on warrants approved by the county commissions of each county drawn on any funds in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated.
(b) Membership dues and fees may be paid by remittance to the secretary/treasurer of such organization upon presentation of a statement therefor.
(c) Expenses may be remitted directly to the individual concerned upon presentation of an itemized statement, supported by receipts, indicating actual expenses incurred. Such statement may be properly sworn to and notarized.
(d) In counties wherein supplements or expenses are presently paid to the judge of probate and personnel in his or her office for expenses as described in subsection (a) of this section, whether paid through the authority of local or other laws of the State of Alabama, such expenses described in subsection (a) of this section may be paid by the governing body of the county, but in no circumstance may such expenses be paid or reimbursed more than once under authority granted by this or previous laws of the State of Alabama.