In addition to the definitions found in the regulations for the programs identified in § 1980.1002, the following definitions apply to this subpart. If the same term is defined in any of the regulations for the programs identified in § 1980.1002, for purposes of this subpart, that term will have the meaning identified in this subpart.
Adopted means that a Plan has been officially approved for implementation by the appropriate entity or entities in the Jurisdiction(s) affected by the Plan (for example, a State, Indian Tribe, county, city, township, town, borough, etc.).
Agency means the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, the Rural Housing Service, or the Rural Utilities Service, or their successor agencies.
Carried Out Solely in a rural area means either:
The Project is physically located in a rural area; or
All of the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Project either reside in a rural area (for individuals) or are located in a rural area (for businesses).
Investment means either monetary or non-monetary contributions to the implementation of the Plan's objectives.
Jurisdiction means a unit of government or other entity with similar powers. Examples include, but are not limited to: City, county, district, special purpose district, township, town, borough, parish, village, State, and Indian tribe.
Multi-Jurisdictional means at least two Jurisdictions.
Philanthropic organization means an entity whose mission is to provide monetary, technical assistance, or other items of value for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes.
Plan means a comprehensive economic development or community development strategy that outlines a region's vision for shaping its economy, and includes, as appropriate and necessary, consideration of such aspects as natural resources, land use, transportation, and housing. Such Plans bring together key community stakeholders to create a roadmap to diversify and strengthen their communities and to build a foundation to create the environment for regional economic prosperity. To be acceptable under this subpart, the Plan must be vetted and supported by the Jurisdictions affected by the Plan and must contain at a minimum the following:
A summary of the economic conditions of the region;
An in-depth analysis of the economic and community strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the region, to include consideration of such aspects as the environmental and social conditions;
Strategies and implementation Plan to build upon the region's strengths and opportunities and to resolve the weaknesses and threats facing the region;
Performance measures that evaluate the successful implementation of the Plan's objectives; and
Support of key community stakeholders.
Project means the eligible proposed use(s) for which funds are requested as described in the application material submitted to the Agency for funding under the underlying program.