As a condition of receiving a license or authorization under the Act, the person applying for the license or authorization must execute and file with DACO a bond or provide such other financial assurance as DACO determines appropriate to secure the person's compliance with the Act.
Such bond or assurance must be for a period of not less than one year and in such amount as required by DACO.
Failure to provide for, or renew, a bond or a financial assurance instrument will result in the immediate and automatic revocation of the warehouse operator's license or provider's agreement.
If DACO determines that a previously accepted bond or other financial assurance is insufficient, DACO may immediately suspend or revoke the license or authorization covered by the bond or other financial assurance if the person that filed the bond or other financial assurance does not provide such additional bond or other financial assurance as DACO determines appropriate.
To qualify as a suitable bond or other financial assurance, the entity issuing the bond or other financial assurance must be subject to service of process in lawsuits or legal actions on the bond or other financial assurance in the State in which the warehouse is located.