The HAP contract must specify:
The total number of contract units by number of bedrooms;
Information needed to identify the site and the building or buildings where the contract units are located. The information must include the project's name, street address, city or county, state and zip code, block and lot number (if known), and any other information necessary to clearly identify the site and the building;
Information needed to identity the specific contract units in each building. The information must include the number of contract units in the building, the location of each contract unit, the area of each contract unit, and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in each contract unit;
Services, maintenance, and equipment to be supplied by the owner without charges in addition to the rent to owner;
Utilities available to the contract units, including a specification of utility services to be paid by the owner (without charges in addition to rent) and utility services to be paid by the tenant;
Features provided to comply with program accessibility requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 794) and implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8;
The HAP contract term;
The number of units in any project that will exceed the 25 percent per-project cap (as described in § 983.56), which will be set-aside for occupancy by qualifying families (elderly and/or disabled families and families receiving supportive services); and
The initial rent to owner (for the first 12 months of the HAP contract term).