WIOA sec. 121(b)(1)(B)(i) requires that the youth program function as a required one-stop partner and fulfill the roles and responsibilities of a one-stop partner described in WIOA sec. 121(b)(1)(A).
In addition to the provisions of part 678 of this chapter, connections between the youth program and the one-stop delivery system may include those that facilitate:
The coordination and provision of youth activities;
Linkages to the job market and employers;
Access for eligible youth to the information and services required in § 681.460;
Services for non-eligible youth such as basic labor exchange services, other self-service activities such as job searches, career exploration, use of one-stop center resources, and referral as appropriate; and
Other activities described in WIOA sec. 129(b)-(c).
Local WDBs must either colocate WIOA youth program staff at one-stop centers and/or ensure one-stop centers and staff are trained to serve youth and equipped to advise youth to increase youth access to services and connect youth to the program that best aligns with their needs.