The Unified and Combined State Plans provide the framework for States to outline a strategic vision of, and goals for, how their workforce development systems will achieve the purposes of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The Unified and Combined State Plans serve as 4-year action plans to develop, align, and integrate the State's systems and provide a platform to achieve the State's vision and strategic and operational goals. A Unified or Combined State Plan is intended to:
Align, in strategic coordination, the six core programs required in the Unified State Plan pursuant to § 676.105(b), and additional Combined State Plan partner programs that may be part of the Combined State Plan pursuant to § 676.140;
Direct investments in economic, education, and workforce training programs to focus on providing relevant education and training to ensure that individuals, including youth and individuals with barriers to employment, have the skills to compete in the job market and that employers have a ready supply of skilled workers;
Apply strategies for job-driven training consistently across Federal programs; and
Enable economic, education, and workforce partners to build a skilled workforce through innovation in, and alignment of, employment, training, and education programs.