Costs not directly attributable and necessary for the Project may not be paid with proceeds of the 504 loan. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
Debt refinancing (other than interim financing), except as provided in § 120.882(e) and (g).
A CDC may not use 504 loan proceeds to pay any creditor in a position to sustain a loss causing a shift to SBA of all or part of a potential loss from an existing debt.
Third-Party Loan fees (commitment, broker, finders, origination, processing fees of permanent financing).
Ancillary business expenses, such as:
Working capital;
Counseling or management services fees;
Incorporation/organization costs;
Franchise fees; and
Fixed-asset Project components, such as:
Short-term equipment, furniture, and furnishings (unless essential to and a minor portion of the Project);
Automobiles, trucks, and airplanes; and
Construction equipment (except for heavy duty construction equipment integral to the business' operations with a remaining useful life of a minimum of 10 years).