§ 9112. Procedure

42 U.S.C. § 9112 (N/A)
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The Administrator shall, after consultation with the Secretary of Energy and the heads of other Federal agencies, issue regulations to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter, in accordance with the provisions of section 553 of title 5, without regard to subsection (a) thereof. Such regulations shall pertain to, but need not be limited to, application for issuance, transfer, renewal, suspension, and termination of licenses. Such regulations shall provide for full consultation and cooperation with all other interested Federal agencies and departments and with any potentially affected coastal State, and for consideration of the views of any interested members of the general public. The Administrator is further authorized, consistent with the purposes and provisions of this chapter, to amend or rescind any such regulation. The Administrator shall complete issuance of final regulations to implement this chapter within 1 year of August 3, 1980.

The Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating may, if he determines it to be necessary, prescribe regulations consistent with the purposes of this chapter, relating to those activities in site evaluation and preconstruction testing at potential ocean thermal energy conversion facility or plantship locations that may (1) adversely affect the environment; (2) interfere with other reasonable uses of the high seas or with authorized uses of the Outer Continental Shelf; or (3) pose a threat to human health and safety. If the Administrator prescribes regulations relating to such activities, such activities may not be undertaken after the effective date of such regulations except in accordance therewith.

Not later than 60 days after August 3, 1980, the Secretary of Energy, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating, the Secretary of the Interior, the Chief of Engineers of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the heads of any other Federal departments or agencies having expertise concerning, or jurisdiction over, any aspect of the construction or operation of ocean thermal energy conversion facilities or plantships, shall transmit to the Administrator written description of their expertise or statutory responsibilities pursuant to this chapter or any other Federal law.

Within 21 days after the receipt of an application, the Administrator shall determine whether the application appears to contain all of the information required by paragraph (2) of this subsection. If the Administrator determines that such information appears to be contained in the application, the Administrator shall, no later than 5 days after making such a determination, publish notice of the application and a summary of the plans in the Federal Register. If the Administrator determines that all of the required information does not appear to be contained in the application, the Administrator shall notify the applicant and take no further action with respect to the application until such deficiencies have been remedied.

(1) Within 21 days after the receipt of an application, the Administrator shall determine whether the application appears to contain all of the information required by paragraph (2) of this subsection. If the Administrator determines that such information appears to be contained in the application, the Administrator shall, no later than 5 days after making such a determination, publish notice of the application and a summary of the plans in the Federal Register. If the Administrator determines that all of the required information does not appear to be contained in the application, the Administrator shall notify the applicant and take no further action with respect to the application until such deficiencies have been remedied.

(2) Each application shall include such financial, technical, and other information as the Administrator determines by regulation to be necessary or appropriate to process the license pursuant to section 9111 of this title.

At the time notice of an application for an ocean thermal energy conversion facility is published pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, the Administrator shall publish a description in the Federal Register of an application area encompassing the site proposed in the application for such facility and within which the thermal plume of one ocean thermal energy conversion facility might be expected to impinge on so as to degrade the thermal gradient used by another ocean thermal energy conversion facility, unless the application is for a license for an ocean thermal energy conversion facility to be located within an application area which has already been designated.

(1) At the time notice of an application for an ocean thermal energy conversion facility is published pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, the Administrator shall publish a description in the Federal Register of an application area encompassing the site proposed in the application for such facility and within which the thermal plume of one ocean thermal energy conversion facility might be expected to impinge on so as to degrade the thermal gradient used by another ocean thermal energy conversion facility, unless the application is for a license for an ocean thermal energy conversion facility to be located within an application area which has already been designated.

(2) The Administrator shall accompany such publication with a call for submission of any other applications for licenses for the ownership, construction, and operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion facility within the designated application area. Any person intending to file such an application shall submit a notice of intent to file an application to the Administrator not later than 60 days after the publication of notice pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, and shall submit the completed application no later than 90 days after publication of such notice. The Administrator shall publish notice of any such application received in accordance with subsection (d) of this section. No application for a license for the ownership, construction, and operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion facility within the designated application area for which a notice of intent to file was received after such 60-day period, or which is received after such 90-day period has elapsed, shall be considered until action has been completed on all timely filed applications pending with respect to such application area.

An application filed with the Administrator shall constitute an application for all Federal authorizations required for ownership, construction, and operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion facility or plantship, except for authorizations required by documentation, inspection, certification, construction, and manning laws and regulations administered by the Secretary of the department in which the Coast Guard is operating. At the time notice of any application is published pursuant to subsection (d) of this section, the Administrator shall forward a copy of such application to those Federal agencies and departments with jurisdiction over any aspect of such ownership, construction, or operation for comment, review, or recommendation as to conditions and for such other action as may be required by law. Each agency or department involved shall review the application and, based upon legal considerations within its area of responsibility, recommend to the Administrator the approval or disapproval of the application not later than 45 days after public hearings are concluded pursuant to subsection (g) of this section. In any case in which an agency or department recommends disapproval, it shall set forth in detail the manner in which the application does not comply with any law or regulation within its area of responsibility and shall notify the Administrator of the manner in which the application may be amended or the license conditioned so as to bring it into compliance with the law or regulation involved.

A license may be issued, transferred, or renewed only after public notice, opportunity for comment, and public hearings in accordance with this subsection. At least one such public hearing shall be held in the District of Columbia and in any adjacent coastal State to which a facility is proposed to be directly connected by pipeline or electric transmission cable. Any interested person may present relevant material at any such hearing. After the hearings required by this subsection are concluded, if the Administrator determines that there exist one or more specific and material factual issues which may be resolved by a formal evidentiary hearing, at least one adjudicatory hearing shall be held in the District of Columbia in accordance with the provisions of section 554 of title 5. The record developed in any such adjudicatory hearing shall be part of the basis for the Administrator’s decision to approve or deny a license. Hearings held pursuant to this subsection shall be consolidated insofar as practicable with hearings held by other agencies. All public hearings on all applications with respect to facilities for any designated application area shall be consolidated and shall be concluded not later than 240 days after notice of the initial application has been published pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. All public hearings on applications with respect to ocean thermal energy conversion plantships shall be concluded not later than 240 days after notice of the application has been published pursuant to subsection (d) of this section.

The Administrator shall not take final action on any application unless the applicant has paid to the Administrator a reasonable administrative fee, which shall be deposited into miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury. The amount of the fee imposed by the Administrator on any applicant shall reflect the reasonable administrative costs incurred by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in reviewing and processing the application.

In determining whether any one or a specific combination of the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities clearly best serves the national interest, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall consider the following factors:

(1) The Administrator shall approve or deny any timely filed application with respect to a facility for a designated application area submitted in accordance with the provision of this chapter not later than 90 days after public hearings on proposed licenses for that area are concluded pursuant to subsection (g) of this section. The Administrator shall approve or deny an application for a license for ownership, construction, and operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion plantship submitted pursuant to this chapter no later than 90 days after the public hearings on that application are concluded pursuant to subsection (g) of this section.

(2) In the event more than one application for a license for ownership, construction, and operation of an ocean thermal energy conversion facility is submitted pursuant to this chapter for the same designated application area, the Administrator, unless one or a specific combination of the proposed facilities clearly best serves the national interest, shall make decisions on license applications in the order in which they were submitted to him.

In determining whether any one or a specific combination of the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities clearly best serves the national interest, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Energy, shall consider the following factors:

(A) the goal of making the greatest possible use of ocean thermal energy conversion by installing the largest capacity practicable in each application area;

(B) the amount of net energy impact of each of the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities;

(C) the degree to which the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities will affect the environment;

(D) any significant differences between anticipated dates and commencement of operation of the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities; and

(E) any differences in costs of construction and operation of the proposed ocean thermal energy conversion facilities, to the extent that such differentials may significantly affect the ultimate cost of energy or products to the consumer.

(Pub. L. 96–320, title I, § 102, Aug. 3, 1980, 94 Stat. 979; Pub. L. 98–623, title VI, § 602(f), Nov. 8, 1984, 98 Stat. 3412.)