§ 806. Powers, functions, and limitations

2 U.S.C. § 806 (N/A)
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Subject to such limitations as may be provided for under this section, the Board may take such actions and make such expenditures as may be necessary to carry out the Congressional Award Program, except that—

the Board shall carry out its functions and make expenditures with—

(A) such resources as are available to the Board from sources other than the Federal Government; and

(B) funds awarded in any grant program administered by a Federal agency in accordance with the law establishing that grant program.

(2) the Board shall not take any actions which would disqualify the Board from treatment (for tax purposes) as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of title 26.

The functions established by the Board under paragraph (1) shall include—

(1) The Board shall establish such functions and procedures as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter.

The functions established by the Board under paragraph (1) shall include—

(A) communication with local Congressional Award Councils concerning the Congressional Award Program;

(B) provision, upon the request of any local Congressional Award Council, of such technical assistance as may be necessary to assist such council with its responsibilities, including the provision of medals, the preparation and provision of applications, guidance on disposition of applications, arrangements with respect to local award ceremonies, and other responsibilities of such council;

(C) conduct of outreach activities to establish new local Congressional Award Councils, particularly in inner-city areas and rural areas;

(D) in addition to those activities authorized under subparagraph (C), conduct of outreach activities to encourage, where appropriate, the establishment and development of Statewide Congressional Award Councils;

(E) fundraising;

(F) conduct of an annual Gold Medal Awards ceremony in the District of Columbia;

(G) consideration of implementation of the provisions of this chapter relating to scholarships; and

(H) carrying out of duties relating to management of the national office of the Congressional Award Program, including supervision of office personnel and of the office budget.

The establishment of Statewide Councils is intended to—

(1) In carrying out its functions with respect to Statewide Congressional Award Councils (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as Statewide Councils) under subsection (b), the Board shall develop guidelines, criteria, and standards for the formation of Statewide Councils. In order to create a Statewide Council, Members of Congress and Senators from each respective State are encouraged to work jointly with the Board.

The establishment of Statewide Councils is intended to—

(A) facilitate expanded public participation and involvement in the program; and

(B) promote greater opportunities for involvement by members of the State congressional delegation.

The duties and responsibilities of each Statewide Council established pursuant to this section shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

(A) promoting State and local awareness of the Congressional Award Program;

(B) review of participant records and activities;

(C) review and verification of information on, and recommendation of, candidates to the national board for approval;

(D) planning and organization of bronze and silver award ceremonies;

(E) assisting gold award recipients with travel to and from the national gold award ceremony; and

(F) designation of a Statewide coordinator to serve as a liaison between the State and local boards and the national board.

(4) Each Statewide Council established under this section may receive contributions, and use such contributions for the purposes of the Program. The Board shall adopt appropriate financial management methods in order to ensure the proper accounting of these funds. Each Statewide Council shall comply with subsections (a), (d), (e), and (h) governing the Board.

(5) Each Statewide Council established pursuant to this section shall comply with the standard charter requirements of the national board of directors.

The Board may enter into and perform such contracts as may be appropriate to carry out its business, but the Board may not enter into any contract which would obligate the Board to expend an amount greater than the amount available to the Board for the purpose of such contract during the fiscal year in which the expenditure is to be made.

Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Board may seek and accept funds and other resources to carry out its activities. The Board may not accept any funds or other resources which are—

Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the Board may seek and accept funds and other resources to carry out its activities. The Board may not accept any funds or other resources which are—

(A) donated with a restriction on their use unless such restriction merely provides that such funds or other resources be used in furtherance of the Congressional Award Program or a specific regional or local program or for scholarships; and

(B) donated subject to the condition that the identity of the donor of the funds or resources shall remain anonymous.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Board may not receive any Federal funds or resources. The Board may benefit from in-kind and indirect resources provided by Offices of Members of Congress or the Congress. Further, the Board is not prohibited from receiving indirect benefits from efforts or activities undertaken in collaboration with entities which receive Federal funds or resources.

The Board may accept and utilize the services of voluntary, uncompensated personnel.

The Board may lease (or otherwise hold), acquire, or dispose of real or personal property necessary for, or relating to, the duties of the Board.

The Board shall have no power—

(1) to issue bonds, notes, debentures, or other similar obligations creating long-term indebtedness;

(2) to issue any share of stock or to declare or pay any dividends; or

(3) to provide for any part of the income or assets of the Board to inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or employee of the Board except as reasonable compensation for services or reimbursement for expenses.

The articles of incorporation of the Congressional Award Foundation shall provide that—

(1) The Board shall provide for the incorporation of a nonprofit corporation to be known as the Congressional Award Foundation (together with any subsidiary nonprofit corporations determined desirable by the Board, collectively referred to in this subchapter as the “Corporation”) for the sole purpose of assisting the Board to carry out the Congressional Award Program, and shall delegate to the Corporation such duties as it considers appropriate, including the employment of personnel, expenditure of funds, and the incurrence of financial or other contractual obligations.

The articles of incorporation of the Congressional Award Foundation shall provide that—

(A) the members of the Board of Directors of the Foundation shall be the members of the Board, with up to 24 additional voting members appointed by the Board, and the Director who shall serve as a nonvoting member; and

(B) the extent of the authority of the Foundation shall be the same as that of the Board.

(3) No director, officer, or employee of any corporation established under this subsection may receive compensation, travel expenses, or benefits from both the Corporation and the Board.

(Pub. L. 96–114, title I, § 106, formerly § 7, Nov. 16, 1979, 93 Stat. 854; Pub. L. 99–161, § 4(f), Nov. 25, 1985, 99 Stat. 935; Pub. L. 99–514, § 2, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2095; Pub. L. 100–674, § 2(c), Nov. 17, 1988, 102 Stat. 3996; Pub. L. 101–525, § 7, Nov. 6, 1990, 104 Stat. 2306; renumbered title I, § 106, Pub. L. 106–533, § 1(b)(1), (2), Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2553; Pub. L. 111–200, § 2(d)–(g), July 7, 2010, 124 Stat. 1369.)