§ 410bbb–5. New Orleans Jazz Commission

16 U.S.C. § 410bbb-5 (N/A)
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To assist in implementing the purposes of this subchapter and the document entitled “New Orleans Jazz Special Resource Study”, there is established the New Orleans Jazz Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”).

The Commission shall consist of 17 members to be appointed no later than six months after October 31, 1994. The Commission shall be appointed by the Secretary as follows:

(1) One member from recommendations submitted by the Mayor of New Orleans.

(2) Two members who have recognized expertise in music education programs that emphasize jazz.

(3) One member, with experience in and knowledge of tourism in the greater New Orleans area, from recommendations submitted by local businesses.

(4) One member from recommendations submitted by the Board of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation.

(5) One member, with experience in and knowledge of historic preservation within the New Orleans area.

(6) Two members, one from recommendations submitted by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and one member from recommendations submitted by the Chairman of the National Endowment of the Arts, who are recognized musicians with knowledge and experience in the development of jazz in New Orleans.

(7) Two members, one from recommendations submitted by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and one member from recommendations submitted by the Director of the Louisiana State Museum with recognized expertise in the interpretation of jazz history or traditions related to jazz in New Orleans.

(8) Two members who represent local neighborhood groups or other local associations; from recommendations submitted by the Mayor of New Orleans.

(9) One member representing local mutual aid and benevolent societies as well as local social and pleasure clubs, from recommendations submitted by the Board of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation.

(10) One member from recommendations submitted by the Governor of the State of Louisiana, who shall be a member of the Louisiana State Music Commission.

(11) One member representing the New Orleans Jazz Club from recommendations submitted by the club.

(12) One member who is a recognized local expert on the history, development and progression of jazz in New Orleans and is familiar with existing archival materials from recommendations submitted by the Librarian of Congress.

(13) The Director of the National Park Service, or the Director’s designee, ex officio.

The Commission shall—

(1) advise the Secretary in the preparation of the general management plan for the historical park; assist in public discussions of planning proposals; and assist the National Park Service in working with individuals, groups, and organizations including economic and business interests in determining programs in which the Secretary should participate through cooperative agreement;

(2) in consultation and cooperation with the Secretary, develop partnerships with educational groups, schools, universities, and other groups to furtherance of the purposes of this subchapter;

(3) in consultation and cooperation with the Secretary, develop partnerships with city-wide organizations, and raise and disperse funds for programs that assist mutual aid and benevolent societies, social and pleasure clubs and other traditional groups in encouraging the continuation of and enhancement of jazz cultural traditions;

(4) acquire or lease property for jazz education, and advise on hiring brass bands and musical groups to participate in education programs and help train young musicians;

(5) in consultation and cooperation with the Secretary, provide recommendations for the location of the visitor center and other interpretive sites;

(6) assist the Secretary in providing funds to support research on the origins and early history of jazz in New Orleans; and

(7) notwithstanding any other provision of law, seek and accept donations of funds, property, or services from individuals, foundations, corporations, or other public or private entities and expend and use the same for the purposes of providing services, programs, and facilities for jazz education, or assisting in the rehabilitation and restoration of structures identified in the national historic landmark study referenced in section 410bbb–1(b)(3) of this title as having outstanding significance to the history of jazz in New Orleans.

Members of the Commission shall be appointed for staggered terms of 3 years, as designated by the Secretary at the time of the initial appointment.

The Commission shall elect a chairman from among its members. The term of the chairman shall be for 3 years.

Any member of the Commission appointed by the Secretary for a 3-year term may serve after the expiration of his or her term until a successor is appointed. Any vacancy shall be filled in the same manner in which the original appointment was made. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the term for which the predecessor was appointed.

Members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. Members shall be entitled to travel expenses under section 5703, title 5, when engaged in Commission business, including per diem in lieu of subsistence in the same manner as persons employed intermittently.

The Secretary shall provide the Commission with assistance in obtaining such personnel, equipment, and facilities as may be needed by the Commission to carry out its duties.

The Commission shall submit an annual report to the Secretary identifying its expenses and income and the entities to which any grants or technical assistance were made during the year for which the report is made.

(Pub. L. 103–433, title XII, § 1207, Oct. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 4522.)