§ 2703. Advanced systems program implementation by Secretary of Energy

15 U.S.C. § 2703 (N/A)
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The Secretary of Energy shall establish, within the Department of Energy, a program to insure the development of advanced automobile propulsion systems within 5 years after February 25, 1978, or within the shortest practicable time, consistent with appropriate research and development technique. In conducting such program, the Secretary of Energy shall—

(1) establish and conduct new projects and accelerate existing projects which may contribute to the development of advanced automobile propulsion systems;

(2) give priority attention to the development of advanced propulsion systems with appropriate attention to those advanced propulsion systems which are flexible in the type of fuel used; and

(3) insure that research and development under this chapter supplements, but neither supplants nor duplicates, the automotive research and development efforts of private industry.

The Secretary of Energy shall, in fulfilling his responsibilities under this chapter, make contracts and grants with any Federal agency, laboratory, university, nonprofit organization, industrial organization, public or private agency, institution, organization, corporation, partnership, or individual for research and development leading to advanced automobile propulsion systems which are likely to help meet the Nation’s long-term goals with respect to fuel economy, environmental protection, and other objectives.

In providing financial assistance under this chapter, the Secretary of Energy shall give full consideration to the capabilities of Federal laboratories, except that not more than 60 per centum of the funds appropriated pursuant to the authorization under section 2710 of this title shall be directly expended in Federal laboratories. In accordance with section 2706 of this title, such laboratories shall be available for testing components and subsystems which, in the Secretary of Energy’s judgment, is likely to contribute to the development of advanced automobile propulsion systems.

The Secretary of Energy shall conduct evaluations, arrange for tests, and disseminate information pursuant to section 2706 of this title and submit reports required under section 2709 of this title.

The Department of Energy shall intensify research in key basic science areas in which the lack of knowledge limits development of advanced automobile propulsion systems.

The Secretary of Energy shall insure that the conduct of the program as defined in subsection (a) of this section—

The Secretary of Energy shall insure that the conduct of the program as defined in subsection (a) of this section—

(A) supplements the automotive propulsion system research and development efforts of industry;

(B) is not formulated in a manner that will supplant private industry research and development or displace or lessen industry’s research and development; and

(C) avoids duplication of private research and development.

(2) To that end, the Secretary of Energy shall issue administrative regulations, within 60 days after February 25, 1978, which shall specify procedures, standards, and criteria for the timely review for compliance of each new contract, grant, Department of Energy project, or other agency project funded or to be funded under the authority of this Act. Such regulations shall require that the Secretary of Energy or his designee shall certify that each such contract, grant, or project satisfies the requirement of this subsection, and shall include in such certification a discussion of the relationship of any related or comparable industry research and development, in terms of this subsection, to the proposed research and development under the authority of this Act. The discussion shall also address related issues, such as cost sharing and patent rights.

(3) Such certifications shall be available to the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. The provisions of chapter 5 of title 5 shall not apply to such certifications and no court shall have any jurisdiction to review the preparation or adequacy of such certifications; but section 553 of title 5 and section 5916 of title 42 shall apply to public disclosure of such certifications.

(4) The Secretary of Energy also shall include in the report required by section 2709(a) of this title a detailed discussion of how each research and development contract, grant, or project funded under the authority of this Act satisfies the requirement of this subsection.

(5) Further, the Secretary of Energy in each annual budget submission to the Congress, or amendment thereto, for the programs authorized by this Act shall describe how each identified research and development effort in such submission satisfies the requirements of this subsection.

(6) The provisions and requirements of this subsection shall not apply with respect to any contract, grant, or project which was entered into, made, or formally approved and initiated prior to February 25, 1978, or with respect to any renewal or extension thereof.

(Pub. L. 95–238, title III, § 304, Feb. 25, 1978, 92 Stat. 79; Pub. L. 103–437, § 5(b)(4), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4582.)