§ 2066. Imported products

15 U.S.C. § 2066 (N/A)
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Any consumer product offered for importation into the customs territory of the United States (as defined in general note 2 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States) shall be refused admission into such customs territory if such product—

(1) fails to comply with an applicable consumer product safety rule;

(2) is not accompanied by a certificate required by this chapter or any other Act enforced by the Commission, or is accompanied by a false certificate, if the manufacturer in the exercise of due care has reason to know that the certificate is false or misleading in any material respect, or is not accompanied by any label or certificate (including tracking labels) required under section 2063 of this title or any rule or regulation under such section;

(3) is or has been determined to be an imminently hazardous consumer product in a proceeding brought under section 2061 of this title;

(4) has a product defect which constitutes a substantial product hazard (within the meaning of section 2064(a)(2)) of this title; or

(5) is a product which was manufactured by a person who the Commission has informed the Secretary of the Treasury is in violation of subsection (g).

The Secretary of the Treasury shall obtain without charge and deliver to the Commission, upon the latter’s request, a reasonable number of samples of consumer products being offered for import. Except for those owners or consignees who are or have been afforded an opportunity for a hearing in a proceeding under section 2061 of this title with respect to an imminently hazardous product, the owner or consignee of the product shall be afforded an opportunity by the Commission for a hearing in accordance with section 554 of title 5 with respect to the importation of such products into the customs territory of the United States. If it appears from examination of such samples or otherwise that a product must be refused admission under the terms of subsection (a), such product shall be refused admission, unless subsection (c) of this section applies and is complied with.

If it appears to the Commission that any consumer product which may be refused admission pursuant to subsection (a) of this section can be so modified that it need not (under the terms of paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a)) be refused admission, the Commission may defer final determination as to the admission of such product and, in accordance with such regulations as the Commission and the Secretary of the Treasury shall jointly agree to, permit such product to be delivered from customs custody under bond for the purpose of permitting the owner or consignee an opportunity to so modify such product.

All actions taken by an owner or consignee to modify such product under subsection (c) shall be subject to the supervision of an officer or employee of the Commission and of the Department of the Treasury. If it appears to the Commission that the product cannot be so modified or that the owner or consignee is not proceeding satisfactorily to modify such product, it shall be refused admission into the customs territory of the United States, and the Commission may direct the Secretary to demand redelivery of the product into customs custody, and to seize the product in accordance with section 2071(b) of this title if it is not so redelivered.

Products refused admission into the customs territory of the United States shall be destroyed unless, upon application by the owner, consignee, or importer of record, the Secretary of the Treasury permits the export of the product in lieu of destruction. If the owner, consignee, or importer of record does not export the product within 90 days of approval to export, such product shall be destroyed.

All expenses (including travel, per diem or subsistence, and salaries of officers or employees of the United States) in connection with the destruction provided for in this section (the amount of such expenses to be determined in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury) and all expenses in connection with the storage, cartage, or labor with respect to any consumer product refused admission under this section, shall be paid by the owner or consignee and, in default of such payment, shall constitute a lien against any future importations made by such owner or consignee.

Manufacturers of imported products shall be in compliance with all inspection and recordkeeping requirements under section 2065 of this title applicable to such products, and the Commission shall advise the Secretary of the Treasury of any manufacturer who is not in compliance with all inspection and recordkeeping requirements under section 2065 of this title.

The Commission shall establish and maintain a permanent product surveillance program, in cooperation with other appropriate Federal agencies, for the purpose of carrying out the Commission’s responsibilities under this chapter and the other Acts administered by the Commission and preventing the entry of unsafe consumer products into the commerce of the United States.

(1) The Commission shall establish and maintain a permanent product surveillance program, in cooperation with other appropriate Federal agencies, for the purpose of carrying out the Commission’s responsibilities under this chapter and the other Acts administered by the Commission and preventing the entry of unsafe consumer products into the commerce of the United States.

(2) The Commission may provide to the agencies with which it is cooperating under paragraph (1) such information, data, violator lists, test results, and other support, guidance, and documents as may be necessary or helpful for such agencies to cooperate with the Commission to carry out the product surveillance program under paragraph (1).

(3) The Commission shall periodically report to the appropriate Congressional committees the results of the surveillance program under paragraph (1).

(Pub. L. 92–573, § 17, Oct. 27, 1972, 86 Stat. 1223; Pub. L. 100–418, title I, § 1214(d), Aug. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 1156; Pub. L. 101–608, title I, § 114, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3118; Pub. L. 110–314, title II, §§ 216(b), 223(b), (c)(1), 235(c)(6), Aug. 14, 2008, 122 Stat. 3058, 3068, 3069, 3075.)