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What is a Dismissed Direct Indictment?

Although a dismissed direct indictment can be a promising development in your case, the legal battle might not be over yet. This is where the value of access to affordable, expert legal advice is key.

Indictment vs. Conviction: Everything You Need to Know

Understanding the distinction between the indictment vs. conviction stages of the criminal justice process may seem intimidating, but knowing the difference is essential.

What is a True Bill of Indictment?

A "true bill of indictment" signifies that a majority of the grand jury (typically around two-thirds) believes there's probable cause to formally charge the suspect with a crime. This essentially greenlights the case to proceed towards a trial.

What Happens After a Criminal Indictment?

As intimidating as criminal procedure may seem, navigating the post-indictment process doesn't have to be a mystery. Today, we’ll take a look at what happens after an indictment to help you understand what you need to know.
