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Criminal charges


Extortion is the threatening, coercive act of demanding payment, favorable government action from a public official, or another benefit from someone in return for not doing violent, physical harm or injury to the victim or his property, or revealing compromising or damaging information about the victim (whether it is true or false), or causing unfavorable government action against the victim or his interests. Extortion (sometimes referred to as the crime of coercion or blackmail) is a criminal offense in all states and under federal law.

Extortion can occur in person, by telephone, by U.S. mail, by e-mail, by text message, through social media, or by other means of communication.

The definition and penalties for the crime of extortion vary from state to state—in some states blackmail is part of the criminal offense of extortion, and in some states blackmail and extortion are separate criminal offenses.

The crime of extortion may be prosecuted as a felony in some states—with potential prison time—or as a misdemeanor eligible for probation. The crime of extortion is usually located in a state’s statutes. And extortion is also a crime under federal law. See 18 U.S.C. §872 to 18 U.S.C. §876.

In Ohio, extortion is defined under Ohio Revised Code § 2905.11 as an offense where a person, with purpose to obtain any valuable thing or valuable benefit or to induce another to do an unlawful act, threatens to commit any felony, inflict physical harm on some person, or commit any offense of violence. Extortion in Ohio is considered a felony, and the severity of the charge can range from a third-degree felony to a second-degree felony depending on the circumstances, such as the value of the benefit sought or the harm threatened. Penalties for a conviction can include prison time, fines, or both. Additionally, under federal law, extortion is criminalized under 18 U.S.C. § 872 to 18 U.S.C. § 876, which also covers threats of violence, kidnapping, or damaging property to extort money or other things of value. The federal statutes can apply when the extortionate communication crosses state lines or involves federal officials. Both state and federal laws address various means of communication used in committing the offense, including in-person, electronic, and written communications.

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