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Criminal charges


Arson is the intentional burning of property—such as a building, car, boat, crops, or trees—with criminal or fraudulent intent. The criminal intent or motive behind arson is often insurance fraud—such as when the owner of property intentionally burns it and then files an insurance claim without disclosing the owner intentionally started the fire.

Arson is a felony offense under most state laws, but there are often different degrees of severity, depending on factors such as whether the fire results in physical injury or death. Arson is also a crime under federal law, which makes it illegal to use fire or an explosive to damage or destroy property used in interstate or foreign commerce, or in any activity affecting interstate or foreign commerce.

In Ohio, arson is defined under Ohio Revised Code Section 2909.03 and related statutes as the intentional act of causing physical harm to property through the use of fire or explosion without the consent of the owner. The severity of arson charges in Ohio can vary based on several factors, including the type of property damaged, whether the property was occupied, and whether the act resulted in harm to any person. Arson is typically a felony offense, with penalties increasing if the arson created a risk of physical harm to any person or if it was committed for purposes such as insurance fraud. For example, aggravated arson, which involves causing harm to an occupied structure or creating a substantial risk of serious physical harm to any person, is treated more severely under the law. Additionally, arson is also a federal crime when it involves property used in interstate or foreign commerce, or affects such commerce, as outlined in federal statutes such as 18 U.S.C. § 844(i). Penalties for federal arson offenses can be severe, including imprisonment and fines, especially when the arson results in injury or death.

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