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Criminal charges

aggravated sexual assault

Sexual assault is generally forced sexual intercourse, sodomy, or other sexual penetration of another person—against the person’s will and without the person’s consent. And although precise definitions and punishments vary from state to state, the criminal offense of aggravated sexual assault generally includes aggravating circumstances that increase the severity of the sexual assault—such as when the assailant or perpetrator uses, displays, or threatens the victim with a deadly weapon (a gun or knife); when the assailant uses a rape drug to incapacitate the victim; or when the victim is a child under a certain age, as defined by the statute.

In Ohio, sexual assault is legally referred to as 'sexual battery' and is defined under Ohio Revised Code Section 2907.03. It involves engaging in sexual conduct with another person without their consent, and it can be elevated to 'aggravated sexual battery' under certain circumstances, such as when the offender knowingly administers a drug to the victim to impair their judgment or control. Additionally, Ohio law recognizes 'rape' under Section 2907.02, which includes forced sexual conduct or when the victim is impaired and unable to consent. Aggravating factors that can lead to more severe charges and penalties include the use of a deadly weapon, the administration of a drug without the victim's knowledge, or when the victim is under the age of 13. Penalties for sexual assault offenses in Ohio are severe and can include lengthy prison sentences, mandatory registration as a sex offender, and other significant legal consequences.

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