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Administrative law

Administrative law includes the laws and legal principles that regulate the operation, rulemaking, licensing, procedures, and related dispute resolution of state and federal government agencies with authority over certain occupations, industries, public utilities, and functions.

In Texas, administrative law governs the conduct, operations, and procedures of state government agencies. These agencies are responsible for overseeing various occupations, industries, public utilities, and other governmental functions. The Texas Administrative Procedure Act (APA) provides the framework for rulemaking, including how rules are proposed, adopted, and enforced. It also outlines the process for licensing, which is the authorization for individuals or entities to engage in certain professions or activities. The APA sets forth the procedures for administrative hearings, which are the mechanisms for resolving disputes between agencies and those they regulate. Additionally, the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) conducts independent hearings for disputes involving state agencies. Federal administrative law, which includes the Federal Administrative Procedure Act, similarly regulates federal agencies and their interactions with the public, but Texas agencies must also comply with state-specific statutes and regulations.
