(a) A carbon dioxide sequestration permit application shall include:
(1) A description of the general geology of the area to be affected by the injection of carbon dioxide, including geochemistry, structure and faulting, fracturing and seals, and stratigraphy and lithology, including petrophysical attributes;
(2) A characterization of the injection zone and aquifers above and below the injection zone that may be affected by the injection of carbon dioxide, including applicable pressure and fluid chemistry data to describe the projected effects of injection activities;
(3) The identification of all other drill holes and operating wells that exist or have existed within and adjacent to the proposed sequestration site;
(4) An assessment of the effect on fluid resources, on subsurface structures and on the surface of lands that may reasonably be expected to be affected by the injection of carbon dioxide, together with the measures required to mitigate those effects;
(5) The plans and procedures for environmental surveillance and excursion detection, prevention and control programs;
(6) A site and facilities description, including a description of the proposed carbon dioxide sequestration facilities and documentation sufficient to demonstrate that the applicant has, or will have prior to the commencement of the operation, all legal rights, including without limitation the right to surface or pore space use, necessary to sequester carbon dioxide and associated constituents into the proposed carbon dioxide sequestration site;
(7) Proof that the proposed injection wells are designed, at minimum, to the construction standards set forth by the department;
(8) A plan for periodic mechanical integrity testing of all wells;
(9) A monitoring plan to assess the migration of the injected carbon dioxide and to ensure the retention of the carbon dioxide in the sequestration site;
(10) Proof of bonding or financial assurance to ensure that carbon dioxide sequestration sites and facilities will be constructed, operated and closed in accordance with the purposes and provisions of this article and the rules promulgated pursuant to this article;
(11) A detailed plan for post-closure monitoring, verification, accounting, maintenance and mitigation;
(12) Procedures for the operator of the facilities to provide immediate verbal notice to the department of any excursion after the excursion is discovered, followed by written notice to all surface owners, mineral claimants, mineral owners, lessees and other owners of record of subsurface interests within thirty days of discovering the excursion;
(13) Procedures for the termination or modification of any applicable Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit issued under Part C of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. §300h, et seq., if an excursion cannot be controlled or mitigated;
(14) A plan to provide proof of notice to surface owners, mineral claimants, mineral owners, lessees and other owners of record of subsurface interests regarding the contents of the application. At a minimum, the notice shall include:
(A) The publication of a Class I legal advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in each county of the proposed operation. The applicant shall publish the notice at the time of filing and shall identify in the notice the location where the public may examine the application;
(B) The mailing of a copy of the notice to all surface owners, mineral claimants, mineral owners, lessees and other owners of record of subsurface interests that are located within one mile of the proposed boundary of the carbon dioxide sequestration site; and
(15) Any other requirement set forth in legislative rules promulgated under this article.
(b) Upon filing an application, an applicant shall pay a reasonable fee, as established by the secretary in legislative rules, to the department for the costs of reviewing, evaluating and processing the permit, serving notice of an application and holding any hearings. The fee shall be credited to a separate account and shall be used by the department as required to complete the tasks necessary to process, publish and reach a decision on the permit application.