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U.S. State Codes
Title 90 - Water Rights—Env...
Chapter 90.92 - Pilot Local Water Management Pr...
Chapter 90.92 - Pilot Local Water Management Program.
90.92.010 Findings.
90.92.020 Definitions.
90.92.030 Establishing a water management board.
90.92.040 Composition of board—Members' terms—Policy advisory group—Conflicts of interest.
90.92.050 Board's authorities, duties, and responsibilities.
90.92.060 Report to the legislature.
90.92.070 Water banking.
90.92.080 Local water plan—Board to adopt guidelines and criteria for filing, review, and approval—Annual reports—Term.
90.92.090 Local water plan—Public notice period—Other requirements.
90.92.100 Appeal—Review of a claim of impairment.
90.92.110 Local water plan—Expiration—Making elements of the local water plan permanent.
90.92.120 Local water plan—Status of water rights.
90.92.130 Location of pilot program.