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U.S. State Codes
Title 86 - Flood Control
Chapter 86.13 - Flood Control by Counties Jointly.
Chapter 86.13 - Flood Control by Counties Jointly.
86.13.010 Boundary line rivers—Contract to control.
86.13.020 Expenditure of funds—Joint action generally.
86.13.030 Tax levy in each county—Intercounty river improvement fund.
86.13.040 Eminent domain—Procedure—Acquisition by purchase authorized.
86.13.050 Joint county meeting—Procedure.
86.13.060 Special commissioner—Powers and duties—Compensation.
86.13.070 Chapter not exclusive.
86.13.080 Liability as between counties.
86.13.090 Issuance of warrants.
86.13.100 Lease or disposal of property—Disposition of proceeds.
86.13.110 State's title to abandoned channels granted to counties.
86.13.120 Liability of county or counties to others.