RCW 84.55.0101 Limit factor—Authorization for taxing district to use one hundred one percent or less—Ordinance or resolution.
Upon a finding of substantial need, the legislative authority of a taxing district other than the state may provide for the use of a limit factor under this chapter of one hundred one percent or less. In districts with legislative authorities of four members or less, two-thirds of the members must approve an ordinance or resolution under this section. In districts with more than four members, a majority plus one vote must approve an ordinance or resolution under this section. The new limit factor shall be effective for taxes collected in the following year only.
[ 2007 sp.s. c 1 § 2; 1997 c 3 § 204 (Referendum Bill No. 47, approved November 4, 1997).]
Reviser's note: On November 8, 2007, Initiative Measure No. 747 was declared unconstitutional in its entirety in Wash. Citizens Action of Wash. v. State, 162 Wn.2d 142, 171 P.3d 486 (2007).
Application—2007 sp.s. c 1: "This act applies both prospectively and retroactively to taxes levied for collection in 2002 and thereafter." [ 2007 sp.s. c 1 § 3.]
Effective date—2007 sp.s. c 1: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [November 29, 2007]." [ 2007 sp.s. c 1 § 4.]
Intent—1997 c 3 §§ 201-207: See note following RCW 84.55.010.
Application—Severability—Part headings not law—Referral to electorate—1997 c 3: See notes following RCW 84.40.030.