RCW 50.38.040 Annual report.
The department shall submit an annual report to the legislature and the governor that includes, but is not limited to:
(1) Identification and analysis of industries in the United States, Washington state, and local labor markets with high levels of seasonal, cyclical, and structural unemployment;
(2) The industries and local labor markets with plant closures and mass lay-offs and the number of affected workers;
(3) An analysis of the major causes of plant closures and mass lay-offs;
(4) The number of dislocated workers and persons who have exhausted their unemployment benefits, classified by industry, occupation, and local labor markets;
(5) The experience of the unemployed in their efforts to become reemployed. This should include research conducted on the continuous wage and benefit history;
(6) Five-year industry and occupational employment projections; and
(7) Annual and hourly average wage rates by industry and occupation.
[ 1993 c 62 § 4.]