RCW 50.20.115 Unemployment due to vacation.
When an unemployed individual is qualified for receipt of unemployment compensation benefits by the specific provisions of RCW 50.20.010, 50.20.120 and 50.20.130, and such individual is not specifically disqualified from receiving such benefits by reason of the provisions of RCW 50.20.090, 50.20.050, 50.20.060, 50.20.070 or 50.20.080, he [or she] shall, for all purposes of the unemployment compensation act, be deemed to be involuntarily unemployed and entitled to unemployment compensation benefits: PROVIDED, That the cessation of operations by an employer for the purpose of granting vacations, whether by union contract or other reasons, shall in no manner be construed to be a voluntary quit nor a voluntary unemployment on the part of the employees.
[ 1983 c 3 § 158; 1951 c 265 § 12.]
Severability—1951 c 265: See note following RCW 50.98.070.