RCW 50.20.095 Disqualification for attending school or institution of higher education.
Any individual registered at an established school in a course of study providing scholastic instruction of twelve or more hours per week, or the equivalent thereof, shall be disqualified from receiving benefits or waiting period credit for any week during the school term commencing with the first week of such scholastic instruction or the week of leaving employment to return to school, whichever is the earlier, and ending with the week immediately before the first full week in which the individual is no longer registered for twelve or more hours of scholastic instruction per week: PROVIDED, That registration for less than twelve hours will be for a period of sixty days or longer. The term "school" includes primary schools, secondary schools, and "institutions of higher education" as that phrase is defined in RCW 50.44.037.
This disqualification shall not apply to any individual who:
(1) Is in approved training within the meaning of RCW 50.20.043;
(2) Is in an approved self-employment assistance program under RCW 50.20.250; or
(3) Demonstrates to the commissioner by a preponderance of the evidence his or her actual availability for work, and in arriving at this determination the commissioner shall consider the following factors:
(a) Prior work history;
(b) Scholastic history;
(c) Past and current labor market attachment; and
(d) Past and present efforts to seek work.
[ 2007 c 248 § 2; 1980 c 74 § 4; 1977 ex.s. c 33 § 8.]
Report to legislature—Effective date—Implementation—2007 c 248: See notes following RCW 50.20.250.
Severability—1980 c 74: See note following RCW 50.04.323.
Effective dates—Construction—1977 ex.s. c 33: See notes following RCW 50.04.030.