RCW 46.12.670 Assigned certificates of title filed—Transfer of interest in vehicle.
(1) The department shall file and index certificates of title when assigned and returned to the department, together with subsequent transactions so that at all times it will be possible to trace ownership to the vehicle designated on each certificate of title.
(2)(a) A person who acquires an interest in a vehicle, other than by voluntary transfer, shall within fifteen days mail or deliver to the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director:
(i) The last certificate of title if available;
(ii) Proof of transfer; and
(iii) An application for a new certificate of title.
(b) This subsection shall not apply to transactions described in subsection (4) of this section.
(3) A secured party named in the certificate of title who repossesses a vehicle under a security agreement shall within fifteen days mail or deliver to the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director:
(a) The last certificate of title;
(b) An application for a new certificate of title; and
(c) An affidavit made by or on the behalf of the secured party that the vehicle was repossessed and that the interest of the owner was lawfully terminated or sold under the terms of the security agreement.
(4) A secured party named in the certificate of title who holds the vehicle for resale is not required to apply for a new certificate of title. When the vehicle is sold, the secured party shall promptly mail or deliver to the buyer or to the department, county auditor or other agent, or subagent appointed by the director:
(a) The certificate of title;
(b) An affidavit made by or on the behalf of the secured party that the vehicle was repossessed and that the interest of the owner was lawfully terminated or sold under the terms of the security agreement; and
(c) Any other documents required to be sent to the department by the buyer.
[ 2010 c 161 § 313; 2010 c 8 § 9005; 1967 c 140 § 3; 1961 c 12 § 46.12.130. Prior: 1959 c 166 § 11; prior: 1947 c 164 § 4(d); 1937 c 188 § 6(d); Rem. Supp. 1947 § 6312-6(d). Formerly RCW 46.12.130.]
Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2010 c 8 § 9005 and by 2010 c 161 § 313, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Effective date—Intent—Legislation to reconcile chapter 161, Laws of 2010 and other amendments made during the 2010 legislative session—2010 c 161: See notes following RCW 46.04.013.
Effective date—1967 c 140: See note following RCW 46.12.520.