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U.S. State Codes
Title 43 - State Government...
Chapter 43.330 - Department of Commerce.
Chapter 43.330 - Department of Commerce.
43.330.005 Findings.
43.330.007 Management responsibility.
43.330.010 Definitions.
43.330.020 Department created.
43.330.030 Director—Appointment—Salary.
43.330.040 Director powers and duties.
43.330.050 Community and economic development responsibilities.
43.330.060 Trade and business responsibilities.
43.330.062 Recruitment and retention of business—Protocols for associate development organizations and department staff.
43.330.065 Identification of countries of strategic importance for international trade relations.
43.330.068 International companies investing in Washington—Eligibility for excise tax incentives.
43.330.070 Local development capacity—Training and technical assistance.
43.330.075 Local government regulation and policy handouts—Technical assistance.
43.330.080 Coordination of community and economic development services—Contracts with county-designated associate development organizations—Scope of services—Business services training.
43.330.082 Contracting associate development organizations—Performance measures and summary of best practices—Remediation plans—Report.
43.330.084 Washington state quality award—Reimbursement of application fee.
43.330.086 Contracts with associate development organizations—Schedule of awards.
43.330.090 Economic diversification strategies—Targeted industry sectors—Film and video production.
43.330.094 Tourism development and promotion account—Promotion of tourism industry.
43.330.100 Local infrastructure and public facilities—Grants and loans.
43.330.110 Housing—Energy assistance.
43.330.120 Growth management.
43.330.125 Assistance to counties and cities.
43.330.130 Services to poor and disadvantaged persons—Preschool children—Substance abuse—Family services—Fire protection and emergency management.
43.330.135 Court-appointed special advocate programs—Funds—Eligibility.
43.330.145 Entrepreneurial assistance—Recipients of temporary assistance for needy families—Cooperation with agencies for training and industrial recruitment.
43.330.150 Fees—Conferences, workshops, training.
43.330.152 Fees—Service and product delivery areas.
43.330.155 Community and economic development fee account.
43.330.156 Fees—Adoption by rule.
43.330.165 Housing for farmworkers—Proposal review and funding recommendations—Farmworker housing advisory group.
43.330.167 Washington youth and families fund.
43.330.170 Statewide housing market analysis.
43.330.190 Reimbursement of extraordinary criminal justice costs.
43.330.250 Economic development strategic reserve account—Authorized expenditures—Transfer of excess funds to the education construction account.
43.330.260 Inventory of economic development grant opportunities—Joint efforts for grant seeking and attracting major events.
43.330.270 Innovation partnership zone program.
43.330.280 Documentation of clusters of companies having a comparative competitive advantage—Process and criteria—Working group.
43.330.300 Financial fraud and identity theft crimes investigation and prosecution program.
43.330.310 Comprehensive green economy jobs growth initiative—Establishment.
43.330.320 Obtaining energy efficiency services—Awarding grants to financial institutions—Credit enhancements.
43.330.330 Funding energy efficiency improvements—Risk reduction mechanisms—Legislative intent.
43.330.340 Appliance efficiency rebate program.
43.330.350 Use of moneys by local municipalities to leverage financing for energy efficiency projects.
43.330.360 Findings—Involvement of state bond authorities in financing energy efficiency projects.
43.330.370 Evergreen jobs initiative.
43.330.375 Evergreen jobs efforts—Coordination and support—Identification of technologies, barriers, and strategies—Outreach efforts—Performance reports.
43.330.400 Broadband mapping account—Federal broadband data improvement act funding—Coordination of broadband mapping activities.
43.330.403 Reporting availability of high-speed internet—Survey of high-speed internet infrastructure owned or leased by state agencies—Geographic information system map—Rules.
43.330.406 Procurement of geographic information system map—Accountability and oversight structure—Application of public records act.
43.330.409 Broadband mapping, deployment, and adoption—Reports.
43.330.412 Community technology opportunity program—Administration—Grant program.
43.330.421 Advisory group on digital inclusion and technology planning.
43.330.430 Developmental disabilities endowment—Definitions.
43.330.431 Developmental disabilities endowment—Trust fund.
43.330.432 Developmental disabilities endowment—Authority of state investment board—Authority of governing board.
43.330.433 Developmental disabilities endowment—Governing board—Liability of governing board and state investment board.
43.330.434 Developmental disabilities endowment—Endowment principles.
43.330.435 Developmental disabilities endowment—Development of operating plan—Elements.
43.330.436 Developmental disabilities endowment—Program implementation and administration.
43.330.437 Developmental disabilities endowment—Rules.
43.330.440 Multijurisdictional regulatory streamlining projects—Establishment—Reports.
43.330.460 Washington achieving a better life experience program—Definitions.
43.330.462 Washington achieving a better life experience program account.
43.330.464 Washington achieving a better life experience program—Investment of moneys—Responsibility of state investment board, governing board, and investment manager.
43.330.466 Washington achieving a better life experience program—Established—Governing board—Administrative support—Colocation with developmental disabilities endowment governing board—Advisory committees—Interagency agreements—Limited liability.
43.330.468 Washington achieving a better life experience program—Governing board authority.
43.330.470 Washington sexual assault kit program.
43.330.475 Economic gardening pilot project.
43.330.480 Low-income home rehabilitation revolving loan program—Definitions.
43.330.482 Low-income home rehabilitation revolving loan program.
43.330.486 Low-income home rehabilitation revolving loan program—Contracts with rehabilitation agencies—Reports.
43.330.488 Low-income home rehabilitation revolving loan program—Account.
43.330.500 Life sciences discovery fund.
43.330.502 Life sciences discovery fund—Grants and contracts by department.
43.330.504 Life sciences discovery fund—Department powers.
43.330.506 Life sciences discovery fund—Limitation of liability.
43.330.510 Keep Washington working statewide work group.
43.330.515 Military installation incompatible development—Defense community compatibility account—Grants.
43.330.520 Military installation incompatible development—Project list—Report.
43.330.525 Child care collaborative task force.
43.330.527 Child care collaborative task force—Duties.
43.330.529 Child care industry assessment.
43.330.530 Broadband office—Definitions.
43.330.532 Broadband office—Established—Purpose.
43.330.534 Broadband office—Powers and duties.
43.330.536 Broadband office—Goals.
43.330.538 Broadband office—Reports.
43.330.700 Findings—Homeless youth.
43.330.702 Homeless youth—Definitions.
43.330.705 Homeless youth—Office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs.
43.330.706 Homeless youth—Data and outcomes measures—Report.
43.330.710 Homeless youth—Office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs—Report to the director—Grants—Program management and oversight.
43.330.715 Homeless youth—Training program.
43.330.717 Homeless youth—Review of state-funded programs.
43.330.720 Unaccompanied youth—Publicly funded system of care—Department of children, youth, and families and the office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs to develop plan.
43.330.730 Finding—2015 c 296.
43.330.732 Definitions.
43.330.735 Washington small business retirement marketplace.
43.330.737 Private sector contractor's duties—Director's duties—Rollovers—Rules—Participation of private sector financial services firms.
43.330.740 Payment of marketplace expenses—Use of private and federal funding.
43.330.742 Federal employment retirement income act liability—Prohibition on state-based retirement plan for nonstate employees.
43.330.745 Incentive payments.
43.330.747 Effectiveness and efficiency of the Washington small business retirement marketplace—Biennial report.
43.330.750 Rules—Rule development process.
43.330.900 References to director and department.
43.330.901 Captions.
43.330.902 Effective date—1993 c 280.
43.330.9021 Effective date—1994 c 5.
43.330.904 Transfer of certain state energy office powers, duties, and functions—References to director—Appointment of assistant director.
43.330.905 Transfer of powers, duties, and functions pertaining to county public health assistance.
43.330.907 Transfer of powers, duties, and functions pertaining to administrative and support services for the building code council.
43.330.908 Transfer of powers, duties, and functions pertaining to the drug prosecution assistance program.
43.330.909 Transfer of powers, duties, and functions pertaining to the energy facility site evaluation council.
43.330.910 Transfer of certain powers, duties, and functions of the department of information services—High-speed internet activities.
43.330.911 Short title—2015 c 69.
43.330.912 Conflict with federal requirements—2015 c 296.