RCW 43.216.090 Early achievers program—Contracting for mental health consultants to assist in serving children with challenging behavior and expulsion issues and severe behavioral needs—Report to legislature and governor.
The department of children, youth, and families must enter into a contractual agreement with an organization providing coaching services to early achievers program participants to hire one qualified mental health consultant for each of the six department-designated regions. The consultants must support early achievers program coaches and child care providers by providing resources, information, and guidance regarding challenging behavior and expulsions and may travel to assist providers in serving families and children with severe behavioral needs. In coordination with the contractor, the department of children, youth, and families must report on the services provided and the outcomes of the consultant activities to the governor and the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the legislature by June 30, 2021.
[ 2019 c 360 § 7.]
Findings—Intent—2019 c 360: See note following RCW 74.09.4951.