RCW 41.04.674 Foster parent shared leave pool.
(1) The foster parent shared leave pool is created to allow employees to donate leave to be used as shared leave for any employee who is a foster parent needing to care for or preparing to accept a foster child in their home. Participation in the pool shall, at all times, be voluntary on the part of the employee. The department of children, youth, and families, in consultation with the office of financial management, shall administer the foster parent shared leave pool.
(2) Employees, as defined in RCW 41.04.655, may donate leave to the foster parent shared leave pool.
(3) An employee, as defined in RCW 41.04.655, who is also a foster parent licensed pursuant to RCW 74.15.040 may request shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool.
(4) Shared leave under this section may not be granted unless the pool has a sufficient balance to fund the requested shared leave.
(5) Shared leave paid under this section must not exceed the level of the employee's state monthly salary.
(6) Any leave donated must be removed from the personally accumulated leave balance of the employee donating the leave.
(7) An employee who receives shared leave from the pool is not required to recontribute such leave to the pool, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(8) Leave that may be donated or received by any one employee shall be calculated as in RCW 41.04.665.
(9) As used in this section, "monthly salary" includes monthly salary and special pay and shift differential, or the monthly equivalent for hourly employees. "Monthly salary" does not include:
(a) Overtime pay;
(b) Call back pay;
(c) Standby pay; or
(d) Performance bonuses.
(10) The office of financial management, in consultation with the department of children, youth, and families, shall adopt rules and policies governing the donation and use of shared leave from the foster parent shared leave pool, including definitions of pay and allowances and guidelines for agencies to use in recordkeeping concerning shared leave.
(11) Agencies must investigate any alleged abuse of the foster parent shared leave pool and on a finding of wrongdoing, the employee may be required to repay all of the shared leave received from the foster parent shared leave pool.
(12) Higher education institutions shall adopt policies consistent with the needs of the employees under their respective jurisdictions.
[ 2019 c 470 § 6; 2017 3rd sp.s. c 20 § 12.]
Construction—Competitive procurement process and contract provisions—Conflict with federal requirements and Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978—2017 3rd sp.s. c 20: See notes following RCW 74.13.270.