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U.S. State Codes
Title 39 - Public Contracts...
Chapter 39.53 - Refunding Bond Act.
Chapter 39.53 - Refunding Bond Act.
39.53.010 Definitions.
39.53.020 Issuance authorized—Purposes—Saving to public body, criteria.
39.53.030 Refunding bonds may be exchanged for bonds to be refunded or sold.
39.53.040 What bonds may be refunded—Refunding plans—Redemption of refunding bonds.
39.53.045 Bonds payable from special assessments—Not subject to refunding.
39.53.050 Refunding bonds, principal amount—Disposition of reserves held to secure the bonds to be refunded.
39.53.060 Application of proceeds of sale of refunding bonds and other funds—Investment in government obligations—Incidental expenses.
39.53.070 Application of proceeds of sale of refunding bonds and other funds—Contracts for safekeeping and application—Use to pay and secure refunding bonds—Pledge of revenues—Duty to provide sufficient money to accomplish refunding.
39.53.080 Pledge of revenues to payment of refunding bonds when amounts sufficient to pay revenue bonds to be refunded are irrevocably set aside.
39.53.090 Annual maturities of general obligation refunding bonds issued to refund voted general obligation bonds.
39.53.100 Use of deposit moneys and investments in computing indebtedness.
39.53.110 Refunding and other bonds may be issued in combination.
39.53.120 Refunding bonds to be issued in accordance with laws applicable to type of bonds to be refunded—Transfer of funds to applicable bond retirement account.
39.53.130 Amendment of power contracts pursuant to refunding of certain bond issues.
39.53.140 Issuance of general obligation refunding bonds to refund general obligation or revenue bonds.
39.53.900 Short title.
39.53.910 Additional authority—Effect as to other laws.