RCW 39.34.020 Definitions.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Public agency" means any agency, political subdivision, or unit of local government of this state including, but not limited to, municipal corporations, quasi municipal corporations, special purpose districts, and local service districts; any agency of the state government; any agency of the United States; any Indian tribe recognized as such by the federal government; and any political subdivision of another state.
(2) "State" means a state of the United States.
(3) "Watershed management partnership" means an interlocal cooperation agreement formed under the authority of RCW 39.34.200.
(4) "WRIA" has the definition in RCW 90.82.020.
[ 2003 c 327 § 3; 1985 c 33 § 1; 1979 c 36 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 283 § 13; 1975 1st ex.s. c 115 § 1; 1973 c 34 § 1; 1971 c 33 § 1; 1969 c 88 § 1; 1969 c 40 § 1; 1967 c 239 § 3.]
Finding—Intent—2003 c 327: See note following RCW 39.34.190.
Severability—1977 ex.s. c 283: See note following RCW 28A.310.010.