RCW 36.68.530 Budgets—Appropriations—Accumulation of reserves.
The governing body of each park and recreation service area shall annually compile a budget for each service area in a form prescribed by the state auditor for the ensuing calendar year which shall, to the extent that anticipated income is actually realized, constitute the appropriations for the service area. The budget may include an amount to accumulate a reserve for a stated capital purpose. In compiling the budget, all available funds and anticipated income shall be taken into consideration, including contributions or contractual payments from school districts, cities, or towns, county or any other governmental entity, gifts and donations, special tax levy, fees and charges, proceeds of bond issues, and cumulative reserve funds.
[ 1995 c 301 § 67; 1981 c 210 § 11; 1963 c 218 § 14.]
Severability—1981 c 210: See note following RCW 36.68.400.