RCW 35A.21.190 Daylight saving time. (Contingent expiration date.)
No code city shall adopt any provision for the observance of daylight saving time other than as authorized by RCW 1.20.050 and 1.20.051.
[ 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.21.190.]
RCW 35A.21.190
Daylight saving time. (Contingent effective date.)
No code city shall adopt any provision for the observance of daylight saving time other than as authorized by RCW 1.20.055.
[ 2019 c 297 § 3; 1967 ex.s. c 119 § 35A.21.190.]
Contingent effective date—2019 c 297: See note following RCW 1.20.055.