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U.S. State Codes
Title 32 - Washington Savin...
Chapter 32.04 - General Provisions.
Chapter 32.04 - General Provisions.
32.04.002 Short title.
32.04.010 Scope of title.
32.04.012 Limits on loans and extensions of credit.
32.04.015 Duty to comply—Violations—Penalty.
32.04.020 Definitions.
32.04.022 "Mortgage" includes deed of trust.
32.04.025 Powers as to horizontal property regimes or condominiums.
32.04.030 Branches—Director's approval—Conditions—Definition.
32.04.035 Agency agreements—Written notice to director.
32.04.050 Reports.
32.04.070 Certified copies of records as evidence.
32.04.080 Employees' pension, retirement, or health insurance benefits—Payment.
32.04.082 Pension, retirement, or health insurance benefits—Waiver by bank of offsets attributable to social security.
32.04.085 Pension, retirement, or health insurance benefits—Supplementation.
32.04.100 Penalty for falsification.
32.04.110 Penalty for concealing or destroying evidence.
32.04.120 Specific penalties invoked.
32.04.130 General penalty.
32.04.150 Cost of examination.
32.04.170 Conversion to mutual savings bank of savings and loan association.
32.04.190 Bank stabilization act.
32.04.200 Capital notes or debentures.
32.04.210 Saturday closing authorized.
32.04.211 Examinations directed—Cooperative agreements and actions.
32.04.220 Examination reports and other information—Confidential—Privileged—Penalty.
32.04.250 Notice of charges—Reasons for issuance—Grounds—Contents of notice—Hearing—Cease and desist orders.
32.04.260 Temporary cease and desist orders—Reasons for issuance.
32.04.270 Temporary cease and desist order—Injunction to set aside, limit, or suspend temporary order.
32.04.280 Violation of temporary cease and desist order—Injunction to enforce order.
32.04.290 Administrative hearing provided for in RCW 32.04.250 or 32.16.093—Procedure—Order—Judicial review.
32.04.300 Jurisdiction of courts as to cease and desist orders, orders to remove trustee, officer, or employee, etc.
32.04.310 Automated teller machines and night depositories security.
32.04.320 Director—Powers under chapter 19.144 RCW.