RCW 3.38.050 District court districts—Standards.
District court districts shall be established in accordance with the following standards:
(1) Every part of the county shall be in some district.
(2) The whole county may constitute one district.
(3) There shall not be more districts than there are judges authorized for the county.
(4) A district boundary shall not intersect the boundary of an election precinct.
(5) A city shall not lie in more than one district.
(6) Whenever a county is divided into more than one district, each district shall be so established as best to serve the convenience of the people of the district, considering the distances which must be traveled by parties and witnesses in going to and from the court and any natural barriers which may obstruct such travel.
[ 1984 c 258 § 28; 1961 c 299 § 29.]
Court Improvement Act of 1984—Effective dates—Severability—Short title—1984 c 258: See notes following RCW 3.30.010.