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U.S. State Codes
Title 28A - Common School P...
Chapter 28A.193 - Education Programs for Juveni...
Chapter 28A.193 - Education Programs for Juvenile Inmates.
28A.193.005 Intent—Findings.
28A.193.010 Operation of program by school district or educational service district.
28A.193.020 Solicitation for education provider—Selection of provider—Operation of program by educational service district.
28A.193.030 Duties and authority of education provider—Continuation in program by students age eighteen.
28A.193.040 Education providers—Additional authority and limitations.
28A.193.050 Required support of education programs.
28A.193.060 Contract between education providers and department of corrections.
28A.193.070 Education site closures or reduction in services—Notice to the superintendent of public instruction and education providers—Liability for failure to provide notice—Alternative dispute resolution.
28A.193.080 Allocation of money—Accountability requirements—Rules.
28A.193.900 Effective date—1998 c 244 §§ 1-9 and 11-15.