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U.S. State Codes
Title 16 - Animals and Live...
Chapter 16.65 - Public Livestock Markets.
Chapter 16.65 - Public Livestock Markets.
16.65.005 Purpose.
16.65.010 Definitions.
16.65.015 Application of chapter—Exceptions.
16.65.020 Supervision of markets and special open consignment horse sales—Rules—Interference with director's duties.
16.65.030 Public livestock market license—Application—Contents—Fee—Public hearing.
16.65.037 License—Restrictions—Fees.
16.65.040 Public livestock market license—Expiration—Renewal—Penalty.
16.65.042 Special open consignment horse sale license required—Application—Fee—Where and when valid.
16.65.044 Public livestock market—Open consignment horse sale—Consignor's name.
16.65.050 Disposition of fees.
16.65.060 License to be posted.
16.65.080 Denial, suspension, revocation of license—Reasons—Hearing.
16.65.090 Livestock inspection—Consignor's fee—Inspection fee—Call out fee.
16.65.100 Livestock inspection—Purchaser's fee.
16.65.120 Disposition of proceeds of sale—Limitations on licensee.
16.65.130 Unlawful use of consignor's net proceeds.
16.65.140 Custodial account for consignor's proceeds—Authorized withdrawals—Accounts and records.
16.65.150 Penalty for failure to disclose unsatisfied lien, mortgage.
16.65.160 Delivery of proceeds and invoice to consignor or shipper.
16.65.170 Records of licensee—Contents.
16.65.180 Unjust, unreasonable, discriminatory rates or charges prohibited.
16.65.190 Schedule of rates and charges.
16.65.200 Licensee's bond to operate market or special open consignment horse sale.
16.65.210 Licensee's bond to operate market—Amount determined by prior business operations—Minimum amount.
16.65.220 Licensee's bond to operate market—Amount when no prior business operations—Minimum and maximum amount.
16.65.230 Licensee's bond to operate market—One bond for each market.
16.65.232 Licensee's bond to operate special open consignment horse sale—Amount determined by estimate of business—Minimum amount.
16.65.235 Cash or other security in lieu of surety bond—Rules.
16.65.240 Action on bond—Fraud of licensee.
16.65.250 Action on bond—Failure to comply with chapter.
16.65.260 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Complaint—Director's powers and duties.
16.65.270 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Failure of vendor, consignor to file claim.
16.65.280 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Duties of director when names of creditors not available.
16.65.290 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Settlement, compromise of claims—Demand on bond—Discharge.
16.65.300 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Refusal by surety company to pay demand—Action on bond—New bond, suspension or revocation of license on failure to file.
16.65.310 Licensee's failure to pay vendor, consignor—Settlement, compromise—Creditors share—Priority of state's claim.
16.65.320 Investigations by director—Complaints.
16.65.330 Investigations—Powers of director.
16.65.340 Testing, examination, etc., of livestock for disease—Veterinarian employed by the market.
16.65.350 Examinations—Sanitary and health practices and standards—Rules.
16.65.360 Facilities—Sanitation—Requirements.
16.65.370 Watering, feeding facilities—Unlawful acts.
16.65.380 Adequate facilities and space required for veterinarians to function.
16.65.390 Adequate space and facilities required for livestock inspectors and veterinarians to function.
16.65.400 Weighing of livestock at public livestock market.
16.65.410 Packer's interest in market limited.
16.65.420 Application for change of or additional sales days, special sales—Considerations for allocation.
16.65.424 Additional sales days limited to sales of horses and/or mules.
16.65.430 Information and records available to director and news services.
16.65.440 Penalty.
16.65.445 Public hearings.
16.65.450 Orders—Appeal.