RCW 15.08.150 Payment and release—Order on amount—Priority of lien.
If before or at the hearing the amount of the claim and the auditor's and sheriff's fees are paid to the county treasurer, he or she shall deliver to the auditor a duplicate receipt of the payment and the auditor shall cancel the lien and notify the county commissioners thereof. The treasurer shall pay the funds to the persons entitled thereto as appears from the records in the auditor's office.
If payment is not made, the auditor shall present to the board of county commissioners a verified copy of the record and claim, which shall be accepted in any proceeding as prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof. The board shall receive and consider the record and claim and all sworn testimony offered, and shall enter an order fixing the amount of the claim and costs, and direct the amount paid from the current expense fund, and the auditor shall draw warrants therefor. The auditor shall record the order in his or her office as other lien claims and it shall be a lien against the premises in favor of the county, and shall bear interest at six percent per year from the date of the order.
[ 2010 c 8 § 6012; 1961 c 11 § 15.08.150. Prior: 1927 c 311 § 5, part; 1921 c 141 § 5, part; 1915 c 166 § 14, part; RRS § 2852, part.]